02/06/2024 - 8th “Città di Mantova” Elegance Competition
![8th “Città di Mantova” Elegance Competition](../upload/home-8elenganza.jpg)
The 8th “Città di Mantova” Elegance Competition scheduled for Sunday 2 June 2024.
Inspired by the figure of Tazio Nuvolari outside of competitions, the Concorso d'Eleganza Città di Mantova, organized by the Club 8Volanti Tazio Nuvolari, is an event of an exclusively cultural nature whose main objective is to give emotions to spectators through analysis history of the cars admitted to the Competition.
The Competition will take place at Villa Schiarino Lena, a historic residence from the end of the 16th century documented as the property of the Marquis Luigi Gonzaga, a villa which stands just 4 km from the historic center of Mantua.
INFO: Club 8Volanti Tazio Nuvolari,
Website: LINK flyer, regulations and registration form www.concorsodeggiamantova.com.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/8VolantiTN/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/club8volanti/